Monday, December 19, 2016

Putty Putty used in music videos for Primus!

Animator Webster Colcord recently directed and animated several music videos for the rock band Primus. Citing an absence of quality clay, I was tasked with formulating a mixture that combined well with the clay he already had, in order to improve its working properties in animation. The result was "Dark White", the slightly sticky untinted version of Puppet Putty Firm (Dark White is an inside joke- it's basically an ivory color, but I didn't want to re-print the labels for the 28 colors of the 'Putty, so I borrowed "Dark" from some of the other colors and "White" from the White, and combined the two. I figureed, if Gray is light black, then ivory is "dark white"). He liked it so much while working on "Candy Man", that he ordered more while he was working on the Michael Jackson-themed Les Claypool/Sean Lennon music video collaboration, "Bubbles Burst". Here are the music videos and an interview we did for Animateclay in which Webster talked about the making of "Bubbles Burst" and I talked about audio recording tricks. Combined, the videos have gotten almost 1,000,000 views. :-)

I've been a fan of Primus since the mid-90's and was inspired to learn to play bass guitar after hearing Claypool's signature style, so it was really an honor to get asked to make clay for these projects!

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